
TNPSC VAO Basic Study Material - Fasli Jasthi, Wet Crops, Duffasal Crop , Dry Crops

TNPSC VAO study material- tnpsc vao Fasli Jasthi, Wet Crops, Duffasal Crop , Dry Crops

Basic about Fasli Jasthi, Wet Crops, Duffasal Crop , Dry Crops

Fasli Jasthi:

In a single crop wet lands, the farmer can raise a crop with help of Government water during the Fasli year. If water is taken for second crop from government irrigation source for growing Crop, then there will be extra charge will be levy, which is called Fasli Jasthi.

In Simple the additional amount levied in the same Fasli year for the land.

Wet crop:

Usually extra charge should be 50 Percent of the assessment fixed for the land when wet crop is rasied. If there is any different rate fixed by Gvt , then the particular rate should be charged.

Duffasal Crop:

Crops which grows more than one season is known as Duffasal Crop.  Example of Duffasal Crop are, Sugarcane, Turmeric, etc..

For these crops which grown and harvested with the help of Gvt water in the particular Fasili year, the charge will be one and half (1 ½) times the assessment.

If these Duffusal Crop grown in one fasli year and harvested in next Fasli year,

  • Without any other crops grown in both the fasli year, single wet assessment should be levied.
  • If one crop is raised before or after the dufusal crop , the wet assessment for the first year and one and half (1 ½) time wet assessment will be levied for second year.
  • If 2 crops are raised one before and another after the duffusal crop , single wet assessment levied for the first year and twice the assessment for next year.

These charges are leviable, even water is taken for a short period rather than entire period (RSO 5A)
The usage of water for irrigation from pond, minor streams, natural pools etc can be permitted, there will be no water cess as long as it should not affect the rights of the government or other public .

Dry Cops:

If dry crops is raised in wet land, wet assessment applicable for that land should be levied.  

The dry cop raised after the first crop is harvested, there will be no charge should levied, only if water is taken from Government source. This will be at the special rate prescribe for it and if it is more than 50 per cent of the wet assessment , the latter should be charged (RSO 5)

Account No 6 : which contains Fasli Jasthi, Theervai Jasthi and the penality to be collected from the pattadars who use water.

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