
B.Ed Practical Examination 2021 - Record Related Questions in Tamil (Part 3)


Tamil Nadu Teacher Education University - B.Ed. II Year –Practical Examination

Record Related Question

Community Based Engagement and Skill Development

Ø Introduction

Ø Need and Importance of Community Services

Ø Psychological Benefits

Ø Social Benefits

Ø Cognitive Benefits

Ø Examples of  Community Services

i)                   Working with School Children

ii)                Working with Senior Citizens

Ø Helping low income people

Ø Role of  Individual for Community Development

Ø Role of Community for Individual Development

Ø Co-operation between Individual and Community

Environmental Education

Ø Definition

Ø Importance of Environmental Studies

Ø Need and Importance of Protecting Environment

Ø Save the Trees : Save Environment

Ø Step to Save the Trees

Ø Avoid Plastic Bags To Save Beautiful Nature

Ø SWATCH BHARAT ABHIYAN – Prime Minister Mr.Narendra Modi.  This programme has launched officially on 2nd October 2014 in the memory of great Indian freedom fighter Mahatma Gandhi’s 145th birthday.

Ø Environmental Pollution

                                                                                     i.            Air Pollution

                                                                                   ii.            Water Pollution

                                                                                iii.            Soil Pollution

Environmental Hazards

Ø Methods for Controlling Hazards

                                           i.            Most Effective Hazard Controls

                                        ii.            Control Methods

                                      iii.            Least effective Hazard Controls – PPE – Personal Protective Equipment.


Reflective Journal

v Introduction

v Reflective Journal

v The Origin of Reflection

v The Journal Could Include

v Critical and Analytical Writing

v Meaning

v Write Your Own

v The Keys

v Reflective Writing

v It Involves

v How can you Construct Reflective Writing

è Description (Don’t make this too long)

è Interpretation

è Out Line

v Reflective Journals

è Description

è How Could I Use It

è Why Could I Use It

è When Should I Use It

è How Do I Use It

v A Reflective Journal is a Tool

v How Can a Pre-Service teacher Use It?


Name of the Pre-Service Teacher:

Name of the Teacher Educator:





1) Write your reflection on your progress in learning?

2) Identify and reflect on your success and challenges in lesson

(fear, difficulty in content, communication problem):

3) Reflect on what has been achieved during the lesson and where future efforts and support should be focused in the next session?

4) Write about your thoughts and feelings about learning in class:

5) Raise your doubts, questions or issues if any:


Students Portfolio

Ø Introduction

Ø Definition

Ø Academic Portfolio

Ø Importance of a Portfolio

Ø Value of Student Portfolio

Ø Forms of Portfolio

Ø Digital Portfolio

Ø Uses of Portfolio


Ø Definition

Ø Steps of Creating – blog

è Create a blog

è Sign in to blogger

è In the top left, next to ‘‘New blog’ ’click the down arrow

è Click New blog

è Enter a name for your blog

è Choose a blog address or URL

è Choose a template

è Click create blog

è Log in by clicking

/ tapping in the log in button on the http://wordpress.compage.

è Select the my sites tab

è Open the site selector by clicking on switch site at the top of the side bar. (Note : Skip this step if your account currently has only one site)

è Click or tap on Add new word press at the bottom of the side bar.

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  GROUP   II   &   II A          தமிழ்          பகுதி – இ தமிழ் அறிஞர்களும் , தமிழ் தொண்டும் புதுக்கவிதை – ந.பிச்சமூர்த்தி , சி....