
TNPSC Current Affairs June 27, 2017 for Group 1 and Group 2 Mains

TNPSC Current Affairs June 2017

1.Netherlands supports India’s Entry in UNSC and NSG

The Netherlands Supports India's early entry into the Nuclear Supplier Group (NSG) and India’s bid for a permanent United Nation Security Council seat. The Netherlands' support came after Prime Minister Narendra Modi held talks with his Netherland counterpart Mark Rutte in his visit.

About NSG and India’s benefit.

Nuclear suppliers group is the group of nuclear supplying countries to ensure nuclear trade for peaceful purpose and prevent nuclear proliferation by controlling export of nuclear materials and technology.

This treaty was signed in response to India's nuclear test in 1974 at Pokhran.

If India becomes member of NSG , then it will help India to build more nuclear reactors for providing energy without any difficulties. It also helps India to get better international market for export and import of nuclear related material.

About UNSC:

The United Nations Security council is one of the 6 main organs of the United Nations, Which has headquarters is in New York.

The main Responsibility of UNSC is to maintain international peace and security, to develop friendly relations among nations,to cooperate in solving international problems and in promoting respect for human rights and to be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations.

The UNSC has 15 members in that 5 countries will permanent members with veto powers and 10 non-permanent members.The five permanent members are China, France, Russia, UK and US. The ten non-permanent members are elected for two-year terms by the General Assembly.

2. Uranus magnetic field flips on and off by latest study:

Scientists have found that Uranus Magnetic Field gets flipped on and off like a switch every day as the planet rotates.

Researchers from Georgia institute of technology, US made the discovery based on the data provided from NASAs Voyager 2 spacecraft.

Researchers said that"The magnetosphere is open in one orientation, allowing solar wind to flow into the magnetosphere; it later closes, forming a shield against the solar wind and deflecting it away from the planet,"

This is different from Earth’s magnetosphere, which only switches between open and closed in response to changes in the solar wind.

Since the alignment of Earth’s magnetosphere is always toward the sun, the magnetic field threaded in the ever-present solar wind must change direction in order to reconfigure Earth’s field from closed to open. This frequently occurs with strong solar storms.

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