
TNPSC Current Affairs November 2016, 12

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 November, 12

1.India and Japan sign agreement on civil nuclear power .

Japan has signed an agreement to sell civil nuclear power equipment and Technology with India. The pact was signed by Indian Prime minister Narendra Modi and Japanese Prime minister Shinzo Abe.

this is the controversial deal which has signed by Japan because this is the first time it agreed to sell civil nuclear power equipment and technology to a country which is not a member of the nuclear Non -Proliferation Treaty.

India also signed similar nuclear agreements with France, Russia, Britain and the United States.
As per the agreement the pact is only for peaceful commercial use, japan will terminate if India conducts a nuclear test.

It allows India to reprocess fuel and enrich uranium , then highly enriched uranium used to make nuclear weapons are not permitted.

About NPT

Non Proliferation Treaty or NPT is also known as the treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. It is an international treaty to curb the spread of nuclear weapons, technology and help to use nuclear energy peacefully.

NPT came into force in march 1970. Initally 191 countries adhered to this, later in 2003 North Korea came out from NPT. NPT countries are classified into 2 categories 1. Nuclear weapon state and Non Nuclear Weapon state. NWS consists of US, Russia, china, France, and UK (all are permanent members of UN security council) and rest or NNWS. Also NWS has agreed no to help NNWS state to develop acquire nuclear weapons.

India , Pakistan, Israel, South Sudan remain outside the treaty hence they possess nuclear weapons. If they want to join in Non Proliferation Treaty they should dismantle all their nuclear weapons. Only South Africa joined in NPT on 1991 after dismantling all its Nuclear Weapons.

2. First time, India agreed to consider Patrolling Palk Strait Jointly with Srilanka.

India has agreed to consider Srilanka's proposal for jointly patrolling the Palk Strait by naval arms. This is first time in the history of India - Srilankan negotiation on the fishing issues which troubling the two countries.

The Terms of Reference for the Joint Working Group on Fisheries (JWGF) includes "ascertaining possibilities for cooperation on joint patrolling" by navies of both India and Srilanka.

3.World pneumonia day November 12

The world pneumonia day is to raise awareness to promote prevention and treatment, and generate action to fight the deadly disease.

This is the second largest killer of children after diarrohoeal disease. As per report for every 15 seconds children under 15 dies of pneumonia.

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