
TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 November, 8

TNPSC Current Affairs November 2016, 8

1. 7th Conference of the Parties (COP7) Began's in India.

The 7th Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP7) to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC), is began's in Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh.

This is the World's first public health treaty for international cooperation in healthcare in combating the tobacco epidemic.

This is the first time in India the Conference of the Parties (COP) being held. It will bring together the WHO FCTC's 180 members almost all the countries in the world to battle against the devastating consequences of tobacco use.

What isWHO FCTC?

WHO FCTC (World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control) is a treaty adopted on 21 may 2003 and came into force from 27th February 2005. 

It is signed by 168 countries and ratified by 180 countries  (to protect present and future generations from the devastating health, social, environmental and economic consequences of tobacco consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke by enacting a set of universal standards stating the dangers of tobacco and limiting its use in all forms worldwide (source wiki))

What is COP?

The COP (Conference of the Parties) is  governing body and is comprised of all 180 Members. It will regularly monitor and review the implementation of the Convention and  action to promote its effectiveness. 

2. United Kingdom's Prime minister Theresa May , India's 3-day Visit

UK Prime Minister Theresa May is on 3-day visit in  India, this was her first bilateral visit outside Europe and will aim to enhance the trade ties between two Nations on trade, investment, defense and security.

Highlights of Visit
  • India seeks return of 57 fugitives from United Kingdom including Vijay Mallya.
  • India and UK agreed on enhancing counter-terror measures.
  • India and UK signed 2 Memorandum of understanding on ease of doing business and Intellectual Property realated issues.
  • Theresa May also said there will be swift entry for business people.

3. NSG meet in Vienna, China Stuck with its stand on India.

China has said that it will not change its decision on India's membership bid on NSG. China said that it will consider India's Entry only after if the rules for entry of Non -NPT countries are finalised by the elite Group.

About NPT

Non Proliferation Treaty or NPT is also known as the treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. It is an international treaty to curb the spread of nuclear weapons, technology and help to use nuclear energy peacefully.

NPT came into force in march 1970. Initally 191 countries adhered to this, later in 2003 North Korea came out from NPT. NPT countries are classified into 2 categories 1. Nuclear weapon state and Non Nuclear Weapon state. NWS consists of US, Russia, china, France, and UK (all are permanent members of UN security council) and rest or NNWS. Also NWS has agreed no to help NNWS state to develop acquire nuclear weapons.

India , Pakistan, Israel, South Sudan remain outside the treaty hence they possess nuclear weapons. If they want to join in Non Proliferation Treaty they should dismantle all their nuclear weapons. Only South Africa joined in NPT on 1991 after dismantling all its Nuclear Weapons.

About NSG

Nuclear suppliers group is the group of nuclear suppling countries to ensure nuclear treade for peaceful purpose and prevent nuclear proliferation by controling export of nuclear materials and technology.

This treaty was signed response to India's nuclear test in 1974 at Pokhran.

If india becomes member of NSG , then it will help India to bulild more nuclear reactors for providing energy without any difficulties. It also helps India to get better international market for export and import of nuclear related material.

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