
TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 September 26

TNPSC Current Affairs

1. India to ratify Paris Climate change agreement on October 2 2016. India accounts for 6 % of global Green Gas emissions and is going to join the group of countries which accounts of 55 % emission who already ratified the Paris Climate Agreement.

The Next UN convention of Climate change will held in Marrakesh, Morocco. 

2. ISRO will launch 8 satellites in two orbits with the help of PSLV rocket from Sriharikota. The 8 rockets include SCATSAT-1 which weights 361 kg for Weather studies. 2 satellite PISAT and PRATHAM from Indian Universties, 3 commercial one form Algeria(ALSAT-1B and 1N), one from canada and another from U.S.  

3.China has opened the World's Largest Radio Telescope in the Pingtang county in southwest China's Guizhou province.

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