
TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 October 29

TNPSC Current Affaris 2016

1. India and Russia BrahMos super-sonic cruise missile

India and Russia have agreed to double the extension to the range of the BrahMos Super-sonic cruise missile that the two countries produce together.It is going to double its range to 600 km.

Previously India was denied access to the missile technology with range more than 300 km which is not the member of MTCR(Missile Technology control Regime). India has recently joined in MTCR.

About Brahmos:

The BrahMos super-sonic Cruise missile project is developed by India based BrahMos Aerospace which set up in 1998. It is joint venture between India's DRDO (Defense Research and Development Organisation) and Russia's NPO MAshinostroyenia.

Previously India has the range limited to 290km because India was not the member of MTCR.

About MTCR:

Missile Technology Control Regime is a multilateral export control regime . It was created to curb unmanned delivery system which could carry payload of 500 kg for a distance of 300 km. MTCR has 35 Member Countries. 

2. India is all set for 2nd Mars Mission on 2020 - MOM-2.

ISRO has Planned to launch its Mars Orbiter Mission-2 (MOM-2) in 2020. The MOM-2 will focus on new ways to look at Mars from its orbit which closer than MOM-1. It was designed more for reaching and orbiting the Mars.

3.Prime Minister Visit to Japan

Prime Minister Narendra Modi planned to visit Japan to strengthen bilateral ties with Japan. 

The visit will be for annual Meet and it will third Annual Summit meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and with his Counterpart Shinzo Abe. The Visit is significant which will give opportunity to take up the civil nuclear deal which is pending clearance from Japan.

The Last Summit in New Delhi in  2015 had outlined a "vision of working together for peace and prosperity in Indo-Pacific region and the world".

4. World's Biggest Marine Reserve.

The European Union and other 24 nations came an agreement to establish the World's Biggest Marine reserve in the  Ross Sea in Antarctica. 


TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 October 28

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 

                                                                           - only exam point of view Current Affairs.

1. National Food Security Act - Tamil Nadu.

Tamil Nadu  Government is finally announced that it would implement the National Food Security Act (NFSA) effective November 1.

What is National Food Security Act (NFSA)?

National food Security Act is also called Right to Food Act, which aims to provide subsidized Food grains to 1.2 billion people.

Highlights of Food Security Act 

This act ensure that the two- third of nation population will get 5kg of Food Grain Everymonth

The poor households would continue to recieve monthly entitlement of 35 Kgs under the "Antyodaya Anna Yojana" at a subsidized price of Rs. 1 per Kg for millets, Rs. 2 per Kg for wheat and Rs. 3 per Kg for rice

It is world's largest social welfare scheme with the government spending estimated at Rs 125,000 crore annually on supply of about 62 million tonnes of rice, wheat and coarse cereals to 67 per cent of the population.

Pregnant women and lactating mothers would receive a maternity benefit of at least 6,000 rupees.

Children aged six months to 14 years would get take-home ration or hot cooked food.

It will give more authority to women in running their households, the oldest adult woman in each house would be considered the head of that household when issuing the ration card.

The work of identification of eligible households is left to the states/UTs, which may frame their own criteria or use social,economic and caste census data.

The central government will provide money to states and union territories if it runs low on grain . It also provided assistance in cost of inter-state transportation.

Tamil Nadu Stand:

At Present in Tamil Nadu, the maximum rice entitlement per card is 20 kg, but after the implementation all beneficiaries should get 5kg irrespective of age every month. 

Tamil Nadu Government also decided to keep minimum 12 kg per month for card has one Beneficiary.

Below is the detailed list which Tamil Nadu Government going to follow after November 1.

No of person
Rice Supplied under NFSA(kg)
Rice supplied present in T.N(kg)
T.N gvt from Nov1(kg)

2.European Union Prestigious Sakharov Human Rights Prize 

Nadia Murad and Lamia Haji Bashar , human rights activists from Iraq, has won the European union's Prestigious Sakharov Human Rights Prize.

These two Yazidi women has survived sexual enslavement by IS (Islamic State) after escaping from IS. they become advocates for their people. To honor their work European union has given this prestigious prize.

About Sakharov Human Rights Prize

It is established in 1988 by European union named after Russian Scientist Andrew Sakharov to honor  individuals and groups of people who have dedicated their lives to the defense of human rights and Freedom of thoughts.

First award was given jointly to Nelson Mandela and Russian Anatoly Marchenko on  1988.

3. Indian Government has approved the Transit Pact with Bhutan. 

Cabinet has approved a new agreement on trade, commerce and transit between India and Bhutan.

The Agreement will provide a free trade regime btw India and Bhutan and duty free transit of Bhutanese Merchandise for trade with 3rd Countries.

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 October 27

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016

1. India And New Zealand Signed three Agreements

India has signed three agreements with New Zealand on 
  • Avoidance of Double Taxation, 
  • Co operation in field of youth and sport affairs, and 
  • Food safety cooperation between FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) in the presence of Indian Prime minister Narendra Modi and his counterpart John Key.
John Key  is also said that New Zealand supports India's membership in NSG (Nuclear Supplier Group).

2.Man Booker Prize 2016 - Paul Beatty

Paul Beatty the writer from U.S has won the 2016 Man Booker Prize for the novel Sellout

Sellout a intense satire novel which explore the legacy of Slavery and racial and economic inequality in America. The Sellout Novel is published in 2015 which drew ecstatic praise from critics and writers and also it won the National Book Critics Circle Award for Friction. 

About Man Booker Prize:

Man Booker is a prestigious award in Literature which is established in 1969. It is a literary Prize awarded each year for the best novel written in English Language and published in UK. Initially it was awarded only to commonwealth countries , Irish and Zimbabweans . From 2014 it was awarded to all the English Language novel.

The winner will receive 50,000 Pound and pound 2,500 for each shortlisted authors.

3.India - South Korea - Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement(DTAA).

The Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement which signed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2015 at Seou will have effect in India in Respect of income derived in fiscal years beginning after April 11,2017.

What is Doouble Taxation Avoidance Agreement?

DTAA is also referred as Tax Treaty which is a bilateral economic agreement between 2 nations that aims to avoid double taxation for the same income in Two Countries.

4. Central Government Approved Establishment of IISER Berhampur, Odisha

Government of India( The ministry of Human Resource Development), has proclaimed Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Berhampur Odisha.

The main objective was to promote quality education and cutting edge research in basic sciences and to provide a platform for the faculty to engage in high quality education, at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. 


The Kaliyattam Festival is celebrated in North Malabar, Kerala. Theyyam performed in Kaliyattam festival was most popular.


TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 October 26

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016

1.National Tribal Carnival 2016, New Delhi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the first National Tribal Carnival in Indra Gandhi Indoor Stadium, New Delhi.

Main Motive about the Carnival

As per Indian Government Press release, the main purpose of this carnival is to promote a sense of inclusiveness among the tribal. The carnival will showcase and promote various facets of tribal culture on a large scale. The underlying idea is to preserve and promote various facets of the tribal life relating to culture, tradition, customs and their skills and to expose it to the general public with a view to utilizing the potential for overall holistic development of the Scheduled Tribe

Prime minister about Tribal Carnival

Prime Minister complemented the Tribal Group for their role in conservation the nature.He said that tribal had the skill to make innovative products from local material. he also  informed that Government will not disturb tribal settlement.

Government will use modern technology such as underground mining and coal gasification, which would minimize disturbance to tribal settlements.

2. Heart of Asia -Istanbul Process Conference , Amritsar, India- 2016.

Pakistan has announced that it will attend the "Heart of Asia Conference" which is going to held in India. Pakistan Foreign minister Sartaj Aziz said that Pakistan decision to attend the conference , which is focused on the future of Afghanistan.

What is Hear of Asia - Istanbul Process?

It is established to provide the platform to discuss regional issues, security, political and economic cooperation among Afghanistan and neighbor countries.

Members countries are , Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, China, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Soudi Arabia, Tajikistan  , Turkey, Turkmenistan, UAE.

1st Conference - Istanbul, Turkey
2nd Conference - Kabul, Afghanistan.
3rd Conference - Almaty , Kazakhstan.
4th Conference - Beijing , China.
5th Conference - Islamabad, Pakistan
6th Conference - New Delhi, India.
7th Conference to be held-  Amritsar, India.

3. World Bank Ranking - Ease of Doing Business

AS per world bank survey, India has inches up one rank at 130 in ease of doing business among 190 nation.

India has performed better in providing commercial power supply, simplifying tax payments, trading across border and enforcing contracts.

India is lacking in limited micro financing, outdated labor laws, high cost of labor, and 85 Percent agri labor in informal sector.

The top 5 countries are 

1.New Zealand,
4.Hong Kong, 
5.South Korea.

4. Mother Teresa Award: 

Dr. Sarada Menon founder of Schizophrenia Research foundation (SCARF) has won the Mother Teresa Award from Indian Development foundation

She said after receiving award that Compassion and kindness are languages that the deaf can hear and the blind can see and the mentally ill can understand.


TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 October 25

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016

1. Neutrino in Tamil Nadu

India-Born Australian Physicist Chennupati Jagadish has backed the India-based Neutrino Observatory(INO) which is proposed to come in Bodi East hills in Theni District, Tamil Nadu.It is a particle physics research project to study about the atmospheric Neutrino.

What is Neutrino?

Neutrinos are elementary particle like electron, but which is not the part of Electron. An Elementary particles which is not broken further.

Previous Scientific Discoveries has found that there is 2 more particles similar to Electron called Muon and Tau. These 3 has Neutrino partner called Electron Neutrino , Muon Neutrino, and Tau Neutrino. The Electron, Muon and Tau are negatively charged particles and Neutrino is chargless an doesnt have mass.

Neutrons are found in abundance, because of weakly interactive nature, it is very difficult to study about it. Initially there was a thought that neutrino is maseless particles but recent studies reveal that it has small mass.

Neutrino Oscillation :

Recent Discovery that neutrino changes from one type to another as they travel. An electron neutrino which is produced in sun which converts into Muon Neutrino or Tau Neutrino on its flight to the earth which is called Neutrino Oscillation. This is the discovery which reveals that Neutrino has Mass.


INO has going to construct the Detector to detect the naturally Producing Neutrino in atmosphere. It will be very difficult to detect neutrino signals which is produced in atmosphere becasue of other particles signals in atmosphere. To come over this difficulty scientist has planned to built the observatory inside the mountain so they can detect Neutrino signal easily , because it can penetrate easily anything because of its weakly interactive nature.

About Bodi Lab:

The lab is under mountain about 1300 m deep. The Neutrino Detector is called Calorimeter. It consists of detector called RPC(Resistiv plate chamber) arranged in stack of  layers and it also consists of ,50,000 tonnes of magnetised iron plates arranged in stack layer spaces. This is massive detector weighing 50ktons and its the world's largest electromagnet.

2. ISRO has Started Landing test for Chandrayan-2 Mission.

Indian Space Research Organisation has started the landing test for Chandrayan - 2  in its new site Challakere in Chitradurga district , 400 km near Bangaluru.

It has started the series of ground and aerial tests which is linked to the landing of Chandrayan-2. The ISAC (ISRO satellite Center) which is the lead center for the 2nd moon mission, has artifically created ten craters to stimulate lunar terrain and test the lander's sensors.

ISAC will conduct many tests on avionics and electronics, testing the lander's leg followed by full test in Bangaluru and Chitradurga.

3. URJA Ganga Ambitious gas Pipeline Project:

Prime minister Narendra Modi has inaugurated the ambitious Gas Pipline Project Urja Ganga in his lokh sabha constituency Varanasi.

This Gas Pipeline project is aimed to bring the piped Cooking gas to the people of Varanasi within 2 year and in another year to provide million of people in state of Bihar, Odisha, West Bengal  and Jharkand.

An 800 km MDPI pipeline will be laid and 50,000 household and 20,000 vehicle will get PNG and CNG(Compressed Natural Gas) gas respectively which cheaper and cleaner. It will be environment friendly.

4.Indo-Tibetan Border police (ITBP) 55th Raising Day.

Indo- Tibetan Border Police celebrated its 55th Raising day on Ocotber 24 2016.

ITBP has deployed on October 24 1962 to safegaurd the karakoram pass in ladakh to Jalep la in Arunachal pradesh covering 3488 km. This is their 55 year of raising.


TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 October 24

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 October

TNPSC Exam Point of View current Affairs

1. Ujwal Discom Assurance Yojana (UDAY) - Tamil Nadu Likely to join.

Tamil Nadu Decided to join the Central Governmen't's Scheme of UDAY (Ujwal Discom Assurance Yojana) to achieve financial turnaround of state-owned power distribution Companies.

This Scheme will help State -owned Power distribution companies that the State shall take over 75 % of DISCOM Debt in 2 Phases and for remaining 25 % state Government will issue bonds as Guarantee. It also makes the State to take over the future losses of DISCOMS from 2016-17 next financial year.

Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) -Tamil Nadu Impact

Once the Scheme implemented the Tamil Nadu state Government has to bear the 30,000 Crore Debt of TANGEDCO. This Scheme makes the DISCOM's Debt to be moved to State Government Balance Sheet and increase in  liability and debt may increase due to issue of bond by State Government .

Benefits for TANGEDCO

This Scheme will help to move TANGEDCO's Debt to Tamil Nadu State Government which will save Rs 3000 crore annually. From Next fiscal year State Government has to bear the Losses occurring in TANGEDCO

What is UDAY?

Ujwal Discom Assurance Yojana is a central Government Scheme to financial turnaround and revival package for electricity distribution companies of India to get permanent solution for financial Crisis for Electricity board. It is introduced in November 2015 by Power, Coal & New Renewable Energy, Minister of State, Shri Piyush Goyal.

Four Important Initiatives:
  • Improving Ooperational efficiencies
  • Reduction of Cost Power
  • Reduction of Interest Cost
  • Enforcing Financial Discipline


HABITAT III  is a  United nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable urban Development which is held in Quito, Ecuador on Oct 17-20 2016. The Challenges of rapidly urbanising world and providing people with equal opportunities in cities were the central theme 2016 

This is United Nations 3rd in the series since 1976 to reinvigorate the global political commitment to the sustainable development of town, cities, and other human settlements both rural and urban.


The World's Oldest Aircraft Carrier , INS Virat has given the Grand send-off in Kochi . INS Virat was towed by 3 tugs to Mumbai from Kochi. It was First commissioned in 1959. This was the last British Built Ship serving for Indian Navy.

4. President of India , Pranab Mukherjee is to visit the Nepal in November to address the differences between Groups in Plain and Kathmandu Valley that led the Month - long blockade in 2015.

Not Important to Exam: But to Know

1. The recently concluded 36 Rafael French Fighter Deal, Reliance group and French Partner Dassault will be commissioned in Reliance Nagpur SEZ as joint venture as Dassault Reliance Aerospace.

2.State Postal Department has introduced to get Post Cards, Revenue stamps, Envelopes, postage stamps and inland letters to their Door Steps by Post man.


TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 Oct 23

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 October

1. Kabaddi World Cup 2016

India won the Kabaddi World cup beating Iran  in Ahmedabad, India by points 38 -29.

India has won the 2016 Kabaddi World cup, this is India's  Third World Cup win, previous 2 world cup held  in 2004 and 2007, in both occasion India Triumphed.

2.One India Concept:

Central Government has working with State Government on the most ambitious concept of  'ease of doing business " in India with concept name "One India"

As per this concept Central Government is trying to push the state government under "one form one Portal" Model aimed at attracting huge investments, and processes will be simplified to an extent where investors just need to fill only a single e-form for investing and doing business all over India. Currently there was multiply forms, Procedures to be filled.

3.Tawang Festival

Tawang Festival is celebrated in Tawang Region in Arunachal Pradesh near Indo-China Border.

This is tourism festival which was introduced in 2012, this year is the 3rd edition. This is three day festival which aims to promote tourism and showcase the culture and tradition of Tawang. It also promote adventure tourism and all the tribes of the region.

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 Oct 22

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 October

1.Compensatory Afforestation fund bill  

Union Government will frame rules for Rs. 40,000 Cr. forest fund to help state within this month.

Environment Ministry said that this fund is the follow-up to the Compensatory Afforestation fund bill which passed by parliament in the monsoon Season. 
The Compensatory Afforestation fund bill proposes to dispense the details which has. over the years, collected money from various projects which have diverted forest land for infrastructure development. 

What is compensatory Afforestation ?

Compensatory Afforestation which means to make up for forest land which was diverted for "Non forest Purpose". 
Non Forest purpose which means cultivation of coffee, tea, spices, rubber etc.and any purpose other than Afforestation. so whenever a forest land used for such purpose, this act tell that another non-forest land should be afforested as a compensatory measure.

2.Smooth-Coated Otter Sighted for first time in Krishna Sanctuary- Andhrapradesh 

Smooth -coated Otter has sighted first time in the mangrove forest near the Krishna wildlife Sanctuary, in Andhra Pradesh.

Smooth Coated Otter has been listed as "Vulnerable" in Red data book of International union for Conservation of Nature(ICUN).

Divisional Forest Officer N,Nageswra Rao said that presence of otter is a key indicator to the rise of Mangrove forest.

3.Indian coast Guard Ships Aryaman and Atulya were commissioned into Indian Coast Guard in Kochi .

These Ships are the 18th and 19th in the series of Twenty fast patrol vessel designed and built by Kochi Shipyard, Kerala.

4.Almati Dam in Karnataka has been chosen for the World Bank's award of Excellence for best utilization of funds for renovation to enhance the strength of the dam.

Earlier World bank has provided Rs 72 crore to the Krishna Bhagya Jal Nigam Limited to prevent seepage which could damage the dam.


TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 Oct 21

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016

1.World trade organisation's mini-ministerial meeting of 2016 has happening at Oslo, Norway on October 21-22.

WTO is the Global International Organisation deals with the rules of Trade between Nations. Its main motto is to help producers of goods and services, exporters and importers conduct their business.

WTO s officially started on 1 January 1995 under the Marrakesh Agreement , signed by 123 Nations, which replace the General Agreement and Tarrifs and Trade (GATT).

"Marrakesh Agreement means, the Agreement which has been Signed in Marrakesh, Morocco by 124 nations to form World Trade Organisation in 1994."

WTO is located in Geneva, Switzerland and its current Director-General is Roberto Azevedo.

2.Prime Minister Narendra Modi Going to Launch Regional connectivity Scheme -UDAN (Ude Desh ka Naagrik) on Oct-21 2016.

UDAN will help to increase the Domestic Air passengers, which reduces the Air Fare as Rs 2500/per Hour. It also helps to Growth in Tourism, balance Regional Growth and Employment Oportunities in hinterland.

It connects more than 50 unserved and under-served airports in small and medium cities.


TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 Oct 20

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016

1.India and Myanmar has agreed to cooperate in security and strategic issues and signed three agreements.

Myanmar State Counselor, also the Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi has said that Myanmar is behind India in the field of economic and Political development but we are confident that we will able to make up. India agreed to assist in Insurance, Power and banking Sector.

India also offered power supply from Moreh in Manipur to Tamu in Myanmar. India also partner in pilot LED electrification project in Myanmar Government Site as Indian Prime Minister Mr. Modi Said.

2.India and China Conducted first time military exercises in Jammu & Kashmir in Eastern Ladakh. 

Army said that this Exercise is part to enhance interaction and cooperation between India and China, under the provision of Border Defence Cooperation Agreement 2013

3. India and Algeria is keen on Joint venture arrangment for a multi-billion dollar fertilizer plant located in Algeria. 

India Seeks 49 % share with Algeria's Phosphate block which having capacity of 6-billion Tonne.
India's Bilateral Trade with Algeria is currently stands at $1.5 Billion.

4. Indian Prime minister Narendra modi and Srilankan President Maithripala Sirisena in their recent meeting in sideline of BRICS Summit, they decided to scrap the coal project in Tincomalee,Srilanka due to environmental issue.

Srilanka has planned to build Liquefied natuaral gas, solar and wind power without affecting enironment. India offered to build a solar power plant in Trincomalee.

China already built power plant in Norocholai with the capacity of 900 MW in Srilanka.

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 Oct 19

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016

1. Prime minister Narendra Modi inaugurated 3 hydel projects which was laid foundation by former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajapayee in Himachal Pradesh.

Three Hydro-Electric Projects are:

  • Kol Dam : 800 MW capacity executed by National Thermal Power corporation(NTPC)
  • Parbati : 540 MW capacity executed by  National Hydro power corporation (NHPC)
  • Rampur : 412 MW capacity executed by Sutlej Jal Vidyut Nigam (SJVN)
These Three power projects with generating capacity of 1752 MW will boost the Himachal pradesh Power supply. All the three power projects are supported by Bharat Heavy Electrical limited (BHEL) with Equipment. 

2.INS Tihayu - Water Jet Fast Attack Craft (WJFAC) was commissioned into the Indian Navy by the Flag-Officer-Commanding-in-Chief of the eastern Naval Command Vice-Admiral H.C.S Bisht.

This is the 350-tonne vessel and it is the sixth to be commissioned and allotted to the Eastern Fleet of the Navy.It can achieve the top speed of 35 knots per hour.

It is fitted with 3 water jet propulsion systems, powered by marine diesel engines generating 
2720 KW of power, also loaded with 30mm CRN gun, machine guns, and shoulder launched IGLA surface to air missile.

3. Saina Nehwal has been appointed as a member of International Olympic Committee (IOC) in Athletes commission. 

Athletes commission of International Olympic Committee is chaired by Angelo Ruggiero, which has 9 vice president and 10 members,.


TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 Oct 18

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016

1. India Made INS Arihant nuclear powered Ballistic Missile submarine is quietly commissioned into Indian Navy by Navy Chief Admiral Sunil Lanba.

Arihant is capable of carying Nuclear tipped ballistic missiles (ship submersible Ballistic Nuclear) SSBN. It has the capablity of hit back after being hit by nuclear weapon.

It is important for India because India has committed No-first-Use Policy as part of Nuclear doctrine.

The Arihant weighing 6,000 tonne powered by a 83 MW pressurised light water nuclear reactor. It asl aremed with K-15 Sagarika missiles with range of 750 km and much longer range K-4 missiles being developed by DRDO( Defence Research and Development Organisation ).

Arihant vessel was built under the Advanced Technology Vessel (ATV) project at the Ship Building Center in the port city of Vishakapatnam.
Arihant was launched on July 26 2009  anniversary of Kargil war Victory Day(Vijay Diwas) by the then Prime Minister of India, Manmohan Singh.

2. Indian Vice-President Hamid Ansari 3 days visit to Hungary Concludes by signing two important agreement. one is on water management and another in Information Technology. He then Flew to Algeria.

3.BIMSTEC is a Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation comprising Bhutan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Thailand held it first Global Diplomatic outreach during the BRICS Summit with BRICS Countries.


TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 Oct 17

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016

1. 8th BRICS Summit ended on Sunday in Goa with declaration which pledged opposition to terrorism.

In Last day of Summit India and Russia signed the world's costliest Gas Pipeline project around $25 Billion.

The Pipeline will transport gas from Siberia to India, the world 3rd largest energy consumer.

2.China is going to launch Shenzhou-11 manned spacecraft. This spacecraft will take 2 male astronauts Jing Haipeng and Chen Dong into spacefrom Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. 

This mission will be carried out with  Long March- 2f Carrier rocket and will dock with space lab Tiangong-2.

This will be longest ever crewed one by the country, they will stay for 30 days in space for research


TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 Oct 16

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016

1.India and Russia a signed 3 agreements worth $10 Billion. India Prime minister 

Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a agreement in BRICS 2016 for five S-400 Triumf Air defence systems and four Stealth Frigates and also a joint venture to make Kamov-226T Helicopters in India.

S-400 is considered as one of the most advanced long range defence systems wihch can tackle all Air-borne targets at a range of upto 400 km.

2.Kigali Agreement, Rawanda

1997 Countries came to an agreement in Kigali , Rawanda to limit Global Warming (HFCsemmission ) mainly from Air conditioners.

HFCs Hydro fluorocarbons a family of green house gas that are mainly released from Air-conditioner and Refrigerator. The Agreement would lead to reduction of 0.5 Degree global temperature by end of the Century.

India's Stand:

India will freeze using HFCs by 2028 on a 2024-2026 baseline which means India will not emit more HFC after 2031.

US has agreed to freeze HFC on 2019 or ealier.

3.Indian Vice- President Hamid Ansari   has set to sign 2 agreements between India And Hungary ,one of them is relating to water management and others in Information Technology. 

4. Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KKNPP) has started 3rd and 4th units after successfully completing 1st tow units VVer 1,000- MWe,

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 Oct 15

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016

1.Much Waited 8th BRICS 2016 Summit has begin today in Goa, India. Brazil, Russia, India , China, South Africa are the members of BRICS.

BRICS is the association of five major emerging national economies in World: Brazil , Russia, India, China, and South Africa. 

Initially the association has named as BRIC which doesn’t have South Africa. In 2010 South Africa has been added in Group hence it is called BRICS. Russia hosted the first meet. In 2016, India is hosting the Meet in Gao.

Hosting Country and the year

Date of hosting
Host country
26-27 March 2013
  South Africa
14-16 July 2014
8-9 July 2015
15-16 October 2016

2. Vice-President Hamid Ansari has starts his four-day visit to Hungary and Algeria. 

In Hungary there is substantial and growing Indian Investment.

Algeria has rich Oil, Gas and Phosphatic resources, India sees this visit as opportunity in cooperative ventures. Also there will be Space Collaboration.


TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 Oct 14

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016

1.India is going to sign with Russia for five S-400 Surface-to-air missile systems worth $5-billion to boost country's air defense.

The agreement will be finalized on the sidelines of the BRICS Summit 2016 in Goa. S-400 Surface-to-air missile can destroy incoming aircraft, missiles and drones up to the range of 400 km.

This is equipped with Long-range radars than can tracks hundreds of targets at the same time. It is designed to knock down aerodynamic flying targets . This includes targets with stealth technologies.

Only RUSSIA, China and USA has such capability to neutralize aerial strike of multiple targets, including ballistic missiles and stealth aircraft from a distance

2.Maldives has withdrawn from Commonwealth .

It has accusing commonwealth for interfering in domestic matters and “unfair and unjust treatment”

Maldives has already warned by commonwealth for failing to progress on democracy, Freedom of speech, detention of opponents and independence of the judiciary.

Maldives foreign minister Mohamed Asim said that the decision to leave the commonwealth was difficult but inevitable.

In Past Commonwealth has suspended Pakistan, Fiji, Nigeria, and Zimbabwe for oppression towards citizens. It doesn’t expelled any country formally but Zimbabwe in 2003 and Gambia in 2013 withdrawn from Common wealth voluntarily

3.American Musician Bob Dylan has won the Nobel literature prize 2016 for creating new poetic expressions with American song tradition

4.World’s longest reigning monarch King from Thailand , Bhumibol Adulyadej has died


TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 Oct 13

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016

1.India and Russia set to sign a deal for 200 Kamov 226 T Helicopters.

As per the defence source nearly $1 billion worth has going to signed on the sidelines of the BRICS 2016 summit in Goa on Oct 14-16.

This Kamov 226T helicopters is likely to replace the existing old Cheetah /chetaks herlicopters.
2.BRICS is the association of five major emerging national economies in World: Brazil , Russia, India, China, and South Africa. 

Initially the association has named as BRIC which doesn’t have South Africa. In 2010 South Africa has been added in Group hence it is called BRICS. Russia hosted the first meet. In 2016, India is hosting the Meet in Gao.

Hosting Country and the year

Date of hosting
Host country
26-27 March 2013
  South Africa
14-16 July 2014
8-9 July 2015
15-16 October 2016


TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 Oct 12

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016

1.Nobel Prize for economics 2016 has given to Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmstrom

Oliver Hart is from Harvard University, Cambridge , MA,  USA. And Bengt Holmstrom is from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge , MA, USA.

Contract Theory is studies the design of formal and informal agreements that motivate people with conflicting interests to take mutually beneficial action.Contract theory  guides us in structuring arrangements between employers and employees, shareholders and chief executives, and companies and their suppliers

In Simple Contract theory will not see the outcome from employee,  it will motivate or give incentive for the person who works efficiently and punish if he shirks

for more understanding click the below link.

2.Under Swachh rail-Swachh bharat programme , Indian railways plan to fit bio-toilets in all trains by 2020-2021.

The Rail route from Rameshwaram to Manamadurai  section has declared as the country's first 'Green Train Corridor'. This Section is absolutely free from human waste discharge.

The first Bio toilet fit train is Bundelkhand express, between Gwalior and Varanasi in 2011


  GROUP   II   &   II A          தமிழ்          பகுதி – இ தமிழ் அறிஞர்களும் , தமிழ் தொண்டும் புதுக்கவிதை – ந.பிச்சமூர்த்தி , சி....