
TNPSC English Syllabus

TNPSC General English Syllabus

source- From TNPSC official Website

General English:

S.S.L.C. Standard (Objective Type)
1. Match the following words and Phrases given in Column A with their meanings in
Column B.
2.Choose the correct ‘Synonyms’ for the underlined word from the options given
3. Choose the correct ‘Antonyms’ for the underlined word from the options given
4. Select the correct word (Prefix, Suffix)
5. Fill in the blanks with suitable Article
6. Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition
7. Select the correct Question Tag
8. Select the correct Tense
9. Select the correct Voice
10. Fill in the blanks (Infinitive, Gerund, Participle)
11. Identify the sentence pattern of the following sentence (Subject, Verb, Object….)
Blanks with correct ‘Homophones’
12. Find out the Error (Articles, Prepositions, Noun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb)
13. Comprehension
14. Select the correct sentence
15. Find out the odd words (Verb, Noun, Adjective, Adverb)
16. Select the correct Plural forms
17. Identify the sentence (Simple, Compound, Complex Sentense)
18. Identify the correct Degree.
19.Form a new word by blending the words.
20.Form compound words (Eg: Noun+Verb, Gerund+Noun)



1.Figures of speech observed in the following Poems:

Alliteration – Allusion – Simile – Metaphor – Personification – Oxymoron –
Onomatopoeia – Anaphora – Ellipsis - Rhyme Scheme - Rhyming Words –
Repetition – Apostrophe
A Psalm of Life - Women’s Rights - The Nation United - English words –
Snake – The Man He Killed - Off to outer space tomorrow morning - Sonnet
No.116 - The Solitary Reaper - Be the Best - O Captain My Captain - Laugh
and Be Merry – Earth - Don’t quit - The Apology - Be Glad your Nose is on
your face - A sonnet for my Incomparable Mother - The Flying Wonder - To
a Millionaire - The Piano – Manliness - Going for water - The cry of the
Children - Migrant Bird - Shilpi.

2.Appreciation Questions from Poetry
A Psalm of Life - Women’s Rights - The Nation United - English words –
Snake – The Man He Killed - Off to outer space tomorrow morning –
Sonnet No.116 - The Solitary Reaper - Be the Best - O Captain My Captain
- Laugh and Be Merry – Earth - Don’t quit - The Apology - Be Glad your
Nose is on your face - A sonnet for my Incomparable Mother - The Flying
Wonder - To a Millionaire - The Piano – Manliness - Going for water - The
cry of the Children - Migrant Bird - Shilpi.

3.Important lines from Poems.
Where the mind is without fear - The Solitary Reaper - Going for water - A
Psalm of Life - Be the Best - Sonnet No.116

4.Questions on the Biography of
Mahatma Gandhi - Jawaharlal Nehru - Subash Chandra Bose - Helen Keller
Kalpana Chawala - Dr.Salim Ali - Rani of Jhansi - Nelson Mandela –
Abraham Lincoln

5.Questions on Shakespeare’s
Merchant of Venice (Act IV Court Scene) - Julius Ceasar (Act III Scene 2) -
Sonnet 116

6.Questions from Oscar Wilde’s
The Model Millionaire - The Selfish Giant

7.Dr.Karl Paulnack
Music-The Hope Raiser

8.Comprehension Questions from the following Motivational Essays:
Gopala Krishna Gokhale’s Speech on 25th July in Mumbai in response to
The address presented to him by students- Dale Carnegie’s ‘The Road to
success- Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam’s ‘Vision for the Nation’(from ‘India2020’)
- Ruskin Bond’s ‘Our Local Team’ - Hope Spencer’s ‘Keep your spirits
high’ - Deepa Agarwal’s ‘After the storm’ - Brian patten’s ‘You can’t be
that no you can’t be that’

9.Comprehension Questions from the following description of Places
Ahtushi Deshpande’s ‘To the land of snow’ - Manohar Devadoss – Yaanai
Malai - Brihadeesvarar Temple

10.British English – American English


Authors and their Literary Works

1.Match the Poems with the Poets
A psalm of Life - Be the Best - The cry of the children - The Piano –
Manliness Going for water – Earth -The Apology - Be Glad your Nose is on
your face - The Flying Wonder -Is Life But a Dream - Be the Best - O captain
My Captain - Snake - Punishment in Kindergarten -Where the Mind is
Without fear - The Man He Killed - Nine Gold Medals

2.Which Nationality the story belongs to?
The selfish Giant - The Lottery Ticket - The Last Leaf - How the Camel got
its Hump - Two Friends – Refugee - The Open Window

3.Identify the Author with the short story
The selfish Giant - The Lottery Ticket - The Last Leaf - How the Camel got
its Hump - Two Friends – Refugee - The Open Window - A Man who Had
no Eyes - The Tears of the Desert – Sam The Piano - The face of Judas
Iscariot - Swept Away - A close encounter - Caught Sneezing - The Wooden
Bowl - Swami and the sum

4.Whose Auto biography / Biography is this?

5.Which Nationality the Poet belongs to ?
Robert Frost - Archibald Lampman - D.H. Lawrence - Rudyard Kipling
Kamala Das - Elizabeth Barrett Browning - Famida Y. Basheer - Thomas
Hardy - Khalil Gibran - Edgar A. Guest - Ralph Waldo Emerson - Jack
Prelutsky - F. Joanna - Stephen Vincent Benet - William Shakespeare -
William Wordsworth - H.W. Long Fellow - Annie Louisa walker -
Walt Whitman - V.K. Gokak

6.Characters, Quotes, Important Lines from the following works of Indian
Sahitya Akademi Award winner: Thakazhi Sivasankaran Pillai –
Kamala Das – 1. Punishment in Kindergarten 2. My Grandmother’s
R.K. Narayan - Swami and the sum - Rabindranath Tagore - Where the
mind is without fear - Dhan Gopal Mukherji - Kari, The Elephant - Deepa
Agarwal - After the Storm - Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam - Vision for the
Indra Anantha Krishna- The Neem Tree - Lakshmi Mukuntan- The Ant
Eater and the Dassie - Dr. Neeraja Raghavan - The Sun Beam

7.Drama Famous lines, characters, quotes from
Julius Caesar - The Merchant of Venice

8.Match the Places, Poet, Dramatist, Painter with suitable option

9. Match the following Folk Arts with the Indian State / Country

10. Match the Author with the Relevant Title/Character

11. Match the Characters with Relevant Story Title
The Selfish Giant - How the camel got its hump - The Lottery ticket - The
Last Leaf - Two friends – Refugee - Open window – Reflowering - The
Necklace Holiday

12. About the Poets
Rabindranath Tagore - Henry Wordsworth Longfellow - Anne Louisa
Walker -V K Gokak - Walt Whitman - Douglas Malloch

13. About the Dramatists
William Shakespeare - Thomas Hardy

14. Mention the Poem in which these lines occur
Granny, Granny, please comb My Hair - With a friend - To cook and Eat
- To India – My Native Land - A tiger in the Zoo - No men are foreign –
Laugh and be Merry – The Apology - The Flying Wonder

15. Various works of the following Authors –
Rabindranath Tagore – Shakespeare - William Wordsworth - H.W.
Longfellow – Anne Louisa Walker - Oscar Wilde - Pearl S. Buck

16. What is the theme observed in the Literary works?
Snake - The Mark of Vishnu - Greedy Govind - Our Local Team –
Where the mind is without fear - Keep your spirits high - Be the best –
Bat – The Piano – The Model Millionaire - The Cry of the Children –
Migrant bird – Shilpi

17. Famous Quotes – Who said this?

18. To Which period the Poets belong
William Shakespeare - Walt Whitman - William Wordsworth - H.W.
Longfellow Annie Louisa Walker - D.H. Lawrence

19. Matching the Poets and Poems
Discovery – Biking – Inclusion - Granny, Granny, please comb My
Hair – With a Friend - To cook and Eat – Bat - To India – My Native
Land - A tiger in the Zoo - No men are foreign - Laugh and be Merry –
Earth – The Apology - The Flying Wonder - Off to outer space
tomorrow morning - Be the best - Is life, but a dream - Women’s
rights - The Nation united - English words – Snake – The man he

20. Nature centered Literary works and Global issue Environment and
Flying with moon on their wings - Migrant bird - Will Thirst Become -
Unquenchable? - Going for Water - Swept away - Gaia tells her

TNPSC English Study Material

TNPSC English Study Material


1.       Verb -  Action or State
             Example- Learn, Attend, was, were, scold, walk…

2.       Noun – It denotes a Person, place or thing,
             Example- Bike, brother, college, road, Police etc

3.       Adjective – which describes a Noun
             Example – Hardworking, three, Active, Young, upset, brand new

             My sister has ten apples.
             I am Fifteen years old.

4.       Adverb- Which describes a verb, an adjective or an adverb.
           Example – Always, regularly, along, often, etc.

5.       Pronoun-  which replaces noun
Example – She, he, her, they , you, their

6.        Preposition- which links a noun to another word.
           Example- To, in, with , from , on, of.

7.       Conjunction – Join clauses and sentences.
               Example- and , but,  when

Let us  see the Different types of nouns  Proper Nouns, Common nouns ,Abstract nouns, Material Nouns.

Proper Nouns is a word that names specific people , things or places.
Example- Chennai, Sachin
Common Nouns – which has common name
Example- Girl, Brother, Men, Bicycle etc

Abstract Nouns- which means the name of a Quality, which we cannot see, smell, hear or touch but can feel
Example- Love, Beauty, Sleep, Honesty.

Material Noun- it is the name of the material with which a thing is made of,

Example- Cotton, Wood, Steel etc.

1.       John Wrote a Poem
2.       They play Cricket.
3.       Kumar Bought a Football Yesterday
4.       I met my friend near bus stop.
5.       The lake is beautiful.

In Sentence 1,  John is the doer of the action , we call John as Subject(S)
In 2Play is the action word, we call play the verb(V)
In 3, Football answer the question ‘What’ we say Football as Object(O)
In 4 , My friend question ‘Whom’- we call Object(O)
In 5, Beautiful is describing word, which tell us more about the subject, we call as Subject Complement(C)

Example for Complement(C)

Look at the below sentences,
1.You are kind.
2.Sawetha is a doctor.

Complement can be a noun or an Adjective, it also helps to complete the meaning of the sentence.


Note the underlined words,
1.       Ganesh reads his lessons Regularly.
2.       Dinesh painted the picture carefully
3.       He wrote me a letter yesterday.

The Underlined words tell us how and when a particular action is done. This word is called  Adjunct.


Mari handled   the glasses carefully
                   S          V                  O               A

TNPSC VAO accounts Study Material

TNPSC VAO study material- TNPSC VAO Accounts

Accounts handled by VAO.

Dear Candidate, please read all the accounts given below. VAO Exam contains minimum 3 questions from these question, so please don't Quit this part.

Important Accounts Handled by VAO

‘A’ Register:
This is the Basic record which contains information on all lands about its survey number, Classification, Assessment, Name of the Pattadar , etc..

Adangal Register:
Adangal Register gives information about the number of crops cultivated and yield in particular land. VAO prepared and register as per Fasli Year.

Fasli Year from from July to June      
Revenue Inspector will inspects all Poramboke, Fasli Jasthi and theervai Jasthi  lands twice to correct the entries if there is any error.

Theervai Jasthi:
It means that the Dry lands irrigated  with the help of Government sources then there will be some charge, this is called Theervai Jasthi.

Fasli Jasthi:

It means owner can get irrigated with the help of government source in a fasli year for a Single crop wet land, if he wants to irrigate second time in fasli year he will be charge is called Fasli Jasthi.

Important Account numbers, minimum 3 Questions will come in VAO EXAM

Sub Division
Deals With
monthly cultivation account of the village
which contains total crop details of monthly cultivation of village
Number of Trees in Gvt Porombokes
Irrigation details of the lands in particular village
Forest, Plantaion details, crops details, current cultivation and tharasu details
Deals with Order of changes in the pattas
Summary of account no 3 regarding with the changes in lands under acquistion
Beriz Deduction
land tax remission
water cess
deals with Details of encroachement in Gvt Porombokes
Deals with Revenue accounts of water irrigations
Deals with Register of revenue details under Tamil nadu Kuduthal Thirvai and Tamil Nadu Additional water Cess
Deals with Land details of the pattadars of a village
Land tax demand as per pattas
village account 19 of Death Register
registeration which shows the details of petition received and their disposals
Patta forms given to the pattadars
summary of land revenue fo the total village
Daily collection of village
summary of village account 13 that shows the collection from pattadars
summary of account no 14
un colleted dues
excess collections
Remittance of land tax collection to the banks
Demand, collection and dues of pattadars per month according to Fasli year
Interest for the land tax delayed payment
Payment receipt for the land tax
Register for Birth and Death
Details of Rain
Details of cattles owned by pattadars
Details of lands under Ryotwari systems which was taken by Gvt
Register of Mines and Minerals


  GROUP   II   &   II A          தமிழ்          பகுதி – இ தமிழ் அறிஞர்களும் , தமிழ் தொண்டும் புதுக்கவிதை – ந.பிச்சமூர்த்தி , சி....