
TET Notes - Educational Thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi


  Educational Thoughts of  

               Mahatma Gandhi


u Mahatma Gandhi is not only the non-violent freedom fighter but also a world renowned educational philosopher.

u He gave a system of education called ‘Basic System of Education.

u His educational thoughts were experimented in    Sabarmati   and Sewagram Ashram.

Basic Education: Activity Based Education


u Basic education is absolutely a new philosophy of education which rejected bookish education and Verbalism and gave priority to practical manual work.

u It integrates home, school and society.


 Aims   of   Basic   Education


v All- round  development  of   the personality  of  the child  that  is  physical , mental , intellectual , aesthetic, moral and spiritual.


v   Self-sufficiency, Gandhiji said that economic self-sufficiency is the most important fruit of good education.


v Cultural development according to Gandhiji one of the functions of education is to impart cultural heritage.


v The training for citizenship.


v Preparation for complete living.


Features of Basic Education


v Free and compulsory education for all from the age 7 to 14.


v Craft is the centre of education.


v Self-supporting education.


v Mother tongue as the medium of instruction.


v Non-violence.


v Ideal of citizenship.


v Co-operative living.


Value of Basic Education


v The basic education is a sound scheme of education from   the pedagogic, economic, psychological and social point of view.


v It maintains a balance between the intellectual and practical phase of experience.


v It   is   based   on   the   educational principle of learning by doing.


v The student’s knowledge is more valuable and effective than bookish knowledge. The practical learning increases the productivity also.


v It removes the artificial distinction of castes, colour, creed and race.


v The attitude of the children towards work will be a good one.




v It is an activity and utilitarian curriculum.


v It has cultural content and related to the environment of the child.


v It includes vocational subjects, social studies and general sciences.


v Craft is an essential part of curriculum.


Method of Teaching


v Gandhiji rejected bookish education.


v He recommended craft-oriented education through basic methods ‘‘Learning by doing ’’ and ‘‘Learning by living’’.


v His basic education is very practical and it is related to the socio economic background and the basic occupation of the child.


v It links education and productivity.





v The teacher should possess all the values desirable by the society.


v He should be a man of sincerity, honesty with love and affection.


v He should be a peace – loving nationalist.


v He should be a doer, thinker and planner.


v  He should teacher through example.


v He should have the ability to relate the various subjects with craft.





v Self – discipline freedom is essential.


v Basic education being vocational in nature needs freedom.


v  Freedom is necessary for the creativity of the child.


v Thus we can describe the educational thoughts of Mahatma Gandhiji.


v He encouraged activity based learning and his learning is by doing things.



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