
TNPSC Current Affairs March 2017,21 for group 1 & group 2

TNPSC Current Affairs March 2017

Talks on Indus water treaty begins.

India and Pakistan discuss problems relating to the Indus Basin at Indus Water Commission meeting.  previous meeting  of the commission was held in 2015. India side is headed by P.K Saxena and Mirza Asif saeed from Pakistan Side .

This is the 113th session of Permanent Indus water commission,. It was established in 1960.

  • India built  1000 MW Pakul Dul on Chenab in Jammu and Kashmir, 120 MW Miyar, located across Miyar Nalla tributary of River Chenab located in Himachal Pradesh, and the 43 MW Lower Kalnai hydro project on Lower Kalnai Nalla, a tributary of river Chenab in Jammu and Kashmir,
  • India is also planning to the build Kishanganga 330 megawatts and Ratle (850 megawatts) hydroelectric plants.
  • Pakistan contends that the above projects were violating the Indus Water Treaty of 1960.
  • India said that it is ready to engage in further  consultation with pakitan on matter of resolving current differences over the project as per the treaty.

About Indus Water Treaty: 
  • Indus water treaty is between India and Pakistan , which was signed in 1960 by then Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and Pakistan President Ayub Khan.
  • As per the treaty India will control the 3 eastern rivers of Indus basin – Beas, Ravi and Sutlej and Pakistan has control over western rivers, Indus, Chenab and Jhelum.
  • As per the treaty India can use only 20 Per cent of water in Indus River.
  • This treaty is considered as one of the most successful treaty in world today withstood frequent tension between two countries.

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  GROUP   II   &   II A          தமிழ்          பகுதி – இ தமிழ் அறிஞர்களும் , தமிழ் தொண்டும் புதுக்கவிதை – ந.பிச்சமூர்த்தி , சி....