
TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 November 23

TNPSC Current Affairs November 2016 23

1. India Successfully Test-Fires Nuclear Capable Agni-I missile

India on Tuesday Successfully Test Fired the Nuclear Capable Agni-I Ballistic Missile at 10.08 am from the Wheeler Island (Abdul Kalam Island), on the Odisha Coast.

Agni-I is an surface to surface missile powered by solid propellants developed by Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) and tested in 2002 for First time.It can hit a target of 700 km.

They said that launch was successful and it is a part of training exercise by Strategic Forces Command of Indian Army.

2.India Joins Associate member of CERN.

India became an associate member of the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN), the world's largest nuclear and particle physics laboratory.

CERN known for its operation of the large Hadron Collider, which found the Higgs bason in 2012. The Agreement was signed on Monday by Chairman of Atomic Energy commission and Secretary of Department of Atomic Energy Sekhar Basu and CERN Director General Dr Fabiola Giantti at the Department of Atomic Energy office, Mumbai.

India was an observer since 2004 in CERN and latest upgrade will help Indian Scientist to participate in Various Project. It also allow Indian Companies to bid for lucrative engineering contracts.

India also has to provide 11.5million swiss Frank for research activities annually.

What is CERN?

European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) which was founded in 1954 in a north-west of Geneva on the Franco-Swiss border. It is an European research organization which operates the world largest particle physics laboratory in the world. It is well known for its operation of the large Hadron Collider, which found the Higgs Bason.

3.Radhika Menon the First Women Seafarer from India won Maritime Bravery Award.

India’s first women Captain in the merchant Navy, Radhika Menon has been awarded the Maritime Bravery Award by the International Maritime Organisation for her exceptional bravery by rescuing 7 fishermen from sinking fishing boat in Bay of Bengal.

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