
TET Syllabus - Mathematics Study Materials in Number System (Part VIII)


Teachers Eligibility Test - Paper 2


Class – VI Mathematics


                                       NUMBER SYSTEM



Equivalent Fractions


Example: 1

Find three equivalent fractions of   .


        Equivalent fractions of   is

      =  =

      =  = 

      =  = 


                       Comparison of Unlike Fractions

Example: 2

Sindhu ate  of the chocolate bar and Priya ate  of the chocolate bar. Who has eaten more?


The portion of the chocolate eaten by Sindhu =

The portion of the chocolate eaten by Priya =

Here the portions of the chocolates eaten by both differ.

Finding the equivalent fractions of    and    .


         =    = 

         =     = 

So,  >  .

Therefore, Sindhu has eaten more chocolates.

Example: 3

Arrange the fractions in ascending order:  ,  ,  .


               Equivalent fractions of   are 

               Equivalent fractions of    are 

              Equivalent fractions of     are 

Therefore,  <  <

The ascending order of given fractions is  ,  .

                     Addition of unlike fractions:

Example: 4

Add   and   .


         Given fractions are   and   .

These are unlike fractions.

The common multiple of 7 and 3 is 21.

Hence, we find the equivalent fractions of    and   with denominator 21.

      =     =  

     =     = 

  +    =   +


Hence,   +    =   .

                   Subtraction of unlike fractions:

Example: 5

Simplify  -  .


   Common multiple of 2 and 3 is 6.

Equivalent fraction of    is  

      =  =

Equivalent fraction of    is  


      =   = 

 -   =    -   


Hence,  -   = 

Example: 6     

Find the difference between and   .


         Given fractions are   and   .

These are unlike fractions.

So, let us convert them into 'like fractions' and compare.

The common multiple of 7 and 9 is 63.

Hence, we find the equivalent fractions of    and   with denominator 63.

Equivalent fraction of    is  

                =  =

Equivalent fraction of    is  

                   =   = 

                  -   =    -   



Hence, the difference between and    is     .

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