
Yoga Makes it to Intangible cultural heritage list of UNESCO.

TNPSC Current Affairs December 2 2016

Yoga has got the global recognition as it was inscribed in the UNESCO’s representative list as the Intangible cultural Heritage of Humanity. The Decision was taken during the 11th session of the intergovernmental committee for the safeguarding of the Intangible cultural Heritage in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The committee has also recognised Belgium’s Beer Culture and Cuba’s Rumba Dance as the Intangible cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Yoga is the 13th Intangible cultural Heritage to be listed from India by UNESCO.

About Intangible Cultural Heritage:

It is established by UNESCO with the aim of better protection of important intangible cultural heritages across world and the awareness of their significance. Intangible Cultural Heritage not only includes monuments and objects but also includes the traditions or living expression inherited from ancestors and passed to our descendants.

TeamIndus to launch India’s First Private Mission to the Moon.

TNPSC Current Affairs December 2 2016

Bengaluru Based private aerospace company, TeamIndus has planned to launch first Private mission to the Moon on Dec 28, 2017.

TeamIndus has secured a contract with the Indian Space Research Organisation to land a spacecraft in moon in Dec 27 2017 in an attempt to win the $30 million Google Lunar XPrize.

TeamIndus is the only Private organisation from India competing to win the $30 million Google Lunar XPrize. It requires landing their spacecraft on the surface of the moon, travelling 500 meters, and broadcasting high definition video, images and data back to earth.

About Google Lunar XPRIZE

Google Lunar XPRIZE has started with the aim involve private organisation in space mission to study about moon. Google believes that studying moon will help us in developing better understanding of our universe.

TNPSC Current Affairs November 2016 30

TNPSC Current Affairs November 2016 30

1.Center plans to amend the Groundwater management Bill.

Central Government's Water is planning to amend the Groundwater Management Bill. It will impose restriction on how the Groundwater can be used.

Bill will impose restriction to industries that it can use only recycled water  and activities like Gardening should use treated sewage water.

Bill will also regulate on extracting aquifiers for Pristine water.

2.Great Barrier Reef suffers worst ever coral Bleaching

Australian scientist has confirmed that mass bleaching event on the Great Barrier Reef which killed more corals

Australia's Great Barrier Reef is one of the natural wonder has suffered its most devastating die-off on record.

Causes of Bleaching:

In Northern Hemisphere , the summer temperature raised to 2 degrees above the normal because of natural El-Nino and man-made heating which  heated the water and caused severe bleaching.

Advantage of Coral Reefs:

Coral Reefs play a major role in Marine Ecosystem. It provides food ,habitat for fish and also serve as an important barrier protecting any natural calamities.

It also provides local economies through tourism and fishing.

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 November 29

TNPSC Current Affairs November 2016 , 29

1. Lok Sabha has passed new Income Tax amendment Bill-2016

Lokh sabha has passed the new income tax amendment bill by a voice vote to levy 60% tax on undisclosed income or investment or cash credit deposited after November 8 demonetization.

After the Passing the bill Finance minister Arun Jaitely said that it gives an opportunity to all the black money holders to come out clean by declaring their undisclosed income and pay the penalty.

The penalty for unaccounted cash will include a flat income tax @ 60 % and a surcharge @25% amounting total 75%.

2. Akodra India first Digital Village.

Akodra the tiny village located in Gujarat's Sabarkantha District become India's First 'Digital Village'.

The villgae has a population of 1200 and was adopted by ICICI bank as a part of Digital India.

The residents of village is using e-banking for everyhting for buying groceries, milk and paying bills more than RS.10. Everyone in Akodara uses mobile phones for their payments

3.Iranian Film 'Daughter'wins the Golden Peacock Award at IFFI

Iranian Film Daughter has won the coveted Golden Peacock award at 47th International Film festival of held at Goa.

The film is directed by Reza Mirkarimi which beat 21 other films in the International competition section.


Union cabinet approves India’s Position at Kigali climate conference on Hydro fluorocarbons.

TNPSC Current Affairs December 1 2016

Union Cabinet has approved the recent negotiation to phase down the climate damage refrigerants Hydro fluorocarbons at the 28th meeting of the parties to the Montreal protocol at Kigali, Rwanda.
Montreal protocol aims to phase down the Ozone depleting substances, which came into force in January 1989.

In Kigali Meet India has successfully negotiated the baseline and freeze year to phase down the use of Hydro fluorocarbons.

It was agreed that there would be 2 sets of baseline years of developing countries. India along with other 9 developing countries have baseline years of 2024-26 and developing countries like China, Brazil, south Africa will have 2020-22.

The Freeze year for India is 2028 and can be extended till 2030 if there will be a technology review. The Freeze year for China, Brazil and South Africa is 2024.

About HFCs

HFCs (Hydro fluorocarbons ), a family of greenhouse gas that are mainly released from Air-conditioner and Refrigerator. The Agreement would lead to reduction of 0.5 Degree global temperature by end of the Century

India Inks Rs 5,000 Crore deal with US to buy 145 M777 Howitzers

TNPSC Current Affairs December 1 2016

India and US has signed a for RS 5,000 crore deal to buy 145 M777 ultra-light Howitzers in the two day meeting of the 15th India-US military Cooperation Group (MCG). India has signed the letter of Acceptance which formalises the contract between India and US for these guns.

Mostly these Guns will deploy near the borders of China. This was India’s first deal for artillery guns since Bofors scandal in 1980s.

The first batch of 25 guns will come to India in fly-away condition and the rest will be assembled in India at proposed Assembly Integration and Test Facility for the weapon system in India with partnership with Mahindra.

The first 2 M777 howitzers will be delivered within 6 months of the contract being inked and rest will be delivered at 2 per month.

About India and US MCG

India US Military cooperation group (MCG) is a forum established to progress Defence cooperation between HQ Integrated Defence Staff and US Pacific command at the strategic and Operational Levels.

TNPSC Current Affairs November 2016 28

TNPSC Current Affairs November 2016 28

1.India Hosts the Golden Jubilee Celebration of UNCITRAL, New Delhi.

India Hosted the Golden Jubilee Celebration of UNCITRAL ( United Nations Commission on International Trade Law) conference about  'Global Standards for Rule-based commerce' in New Delhi.

It is hosted by the UNCITRAL regional centre for Asia and the Pacific with the UNCITRAL national coordination commitee in India, with Permanent court of Arbitration Support.

The conference discussed about UNCITRAL's role and work in the harmoiztion and modernization of international trade law, as well as pertinent international trade law issues including electronic commerce, cross border insolvency and investment treaty dispute.


The UNCITRAL (United Nations Commission on International trade Law) was established in 1966 by UN General Assembly to promote the progressive unification and Harmonization of International Trade Law.

India is a founding member and has been re-elected in 2015 for 5 years.

2. RBI Introduced Incremental Cash Reserve Ratio 

Reserve Bank of India introduced Incremental Cash Reserve Ratio of 100 % to tackle the surge in deposits after the withdrawal of  500 and 1000 Rs Notes.

Reserve Bank said that this is an attempt to absorb the surplus liquidity available in banking system. It will suck around Rs 3.4l crore excess liquidity from the system. It also said that it was a temporary measure to drain excess liquidity in the system and will be reviewed on December 9 or before.

What is Cash Reserve Ratio?

This is the Tool used by RBI to control Liquidity in Banking System. 

Cash Reserve Ratio is a specified minimum fraction of the total deposits of customer, which Indian banks have to hold as reserves, but Indian Banks will not hold reserve themselves instead they deposit as cash with Reserve Bank of India. The Minimum Ratio stipulated by RBI is known as Cash Reserve Ratio.

For Example if CRR is 10 % and the deposit is Rs1000 by commercial bank into RBI, then Commercial bank can use only 900 out of 1000. Remaining 10% should kept with RBI to meet the payment demands of their depositors, to control money supply etc. 

3.Nico Rosberg, German Driver was crowned the 2016 F1 World Champion.

German Driver Nico Rosberg was crowned the 2016 Formula one World Champion which held in Abu Dhabi. 

4. India's Sachin Singh wont the Gold Medal at the AIBA youth world Championship.

India's Sachin Sing won the Gold Medal at the AIBA(International Boxing Association ) youth world Champion ship under 49 kg category.

He is the 3rd Indian to wont the Gold Medal in Youth World Championship.

TNPSC Current Affairs November 2016 27

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 November 27

1. National Milk Day November 26

26th November is celebrated as National Milk day in India. National Milk day is celebrated to pay tribute to Verghese Kurien the Co-founder of Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation, which markets Amul Milk and Dairy Products.

Globally June 1 is celebrated as World Milk Day which is designated by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization to raise awareness about the importance of milk and milk products.

In Inida we celebrate it on November 26  which is Verghese Kurien' Birthday. It is like paying tribute to him for making India into world's largest milk producer surpassing United States.

About Verghese Kurien,

Verghese Kurien is also known as the Father of White Revolution in India. His Billion Tree Idea - Operation Flood the world's largest agriculture dairy development program made India into world's Largest Milk producer surpassing United States.

2. Constitution Day November 26 (Samvidhan Day)

Indian Government is celebrating constitution day on November 26 to commemorate the adoption of constitution of India.

In 2015 Prime Minister Narendra Modi has declared that November 26 will be celebrate as Constitution day on the occasion of laying the foundation stone of the Dr B.R Ambedkar memorial in Mumbai.

This day is chosen to spread the importance of constitution and spread thoughts and ideas of Ambedkar. He is the chairman of Drafting committee which created the Indian constitution. Previously November 26 is celebrated as Law Day. 

TNPSC Current Affairs November 2016 25 & 26

TNPSC Current Affairs November 2016 25 & 26

1.Union Cabinet approved Revamped Merchant Shipping Bill 2016

The Union Cabined chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved the revamped version of Merchant Shipping Bill 2016, which repeals the Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 and the Coasting Vessels Act, 1838.

About Merchant Shipping Bill

The Merchant Shipping bill simplify the law governing the merchant shipping in the Country ,while certain redundant provisions will be dispensed with and remaining provisions will consolidated and simplified . it wil help to promote ease of doing business, transparency and effective delivery of Services.

2.Indian Railways to introduce Tri-Netra to reduce Train accident

Indian Railways going to introduce the advanced system called Tri-netra to its train to reduce Train Accidents by keeping a record of the track maintenance and also will provide better visibility during Foggy days.

About Tri-Netra:

The Tri netra system is made up of a radar-based terrain mapping, High resolution optical video camera and high sensitivity infrared video camera.

The device will use infra red to tab signals upto 2-3km and display the information on the screen fitted in locomotive

The divice will not distract the driver in normal condition by alarm but it will alarm the danger in red color which gives driver ample time to stop the train

3.Indian Navy’s seventh Landing craft utility (LCU) L-57 launched.

The Seventh Ship of Landing Craft Utility (LCU) L-57 is launched at an impressive ceremony at Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers ltd, Kolkata.

The Chief guest for the ceremony minister of State for defence Subhas Ramrao Bhamre said that the Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers is one of the most Technologically advanced shipyard in the Country.

LCU is the largest ship of this kind built anywhere in the world. It is cost effective, furl efficient and best for protecting our Island Territories.

LCU is useful for joint operations carried by Indian Navy and Indian Army for ensuring Maritime security.

4.ASI to shift Keezhadi Artefacts to Dehradun lab

The Madras Hig court has given permission to the ASI (Archaeloloical Survey of India) to shift the artefacts excavated from the Keezhadi in Sivaganga District Tamil Nadu to Dehradun in Uttarakand.
High court allows ASI to shift artefacts from keezhadi to Dehradun. 


TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 November 24

TNPSC Currrent Affairs November 2016 24

1.Central Government plans Crop insurance for small Tea Growers.

Central Government has planning to roll out crop Insurance for small Tea Growers. First they are going to introduce in 3 regions in Assam, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal as a pilot.

The Tea board will be the nodal Agency and the cost of the Insurance will be shared between Centre, State and Growers in the basis of 75:15:10. This Insurance Scheme will benefit the small Tea Grower from loses due to price dip in International and domestic market. It also covers loss due to pest attack, adverse weather or any other reason beyond human control.

The Initial period the scheme will cover about 44,223.6 hectares of plantation area. The 3 regions the  pilot scheme roll out in  Golghat (Assam), Coonoor (Tamil Nadu) and Jalpaiguri (West Bengal), For the cycle of March to November for 2 consecutive year.

2.5th International Tourism Mart Inaugurated in Manipur.

The Fifth International Tourism Mart (ITM) was inaugurated in Imphal ,Manipur. ITM was inaugurated by the Chief Minister of Manipur Shri Okram Ibobi Singh in presence of Union Tourism Secretary Shri Vinod Zutshi.

The International Tourism Mart is organised by union Ministry of Tourism in association with North Eastern Sates and West Bengal. It will be held between 23-25 November 2016.

After Inaugurating International Tourism Mart Chief Minister Shri Okram Ibobi Singh said that it will provide a good platform to promote tourism in Manipur besides the other neighboring states in the North-Eastern region.

About ITM:

International Tourism Mart is an annual event organized in North eastern State to promote tourism in North-Eastern State. first four ITM held in below places.

1st ITM  -  Guwahati (Assam)
2nd ITM - Tawang (Arunachal Pradesh)
3rd ITM -  Shillong (Meghalaya)
4th ITM -  Gangtok (Sikkim)


TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 November 23

TNPSC Current Affairs November 2016 23

1. India Successfully Test-Fires Nuclear Capable Agni-I missile

India on Tuesday Successfully Test Fired the Nuclear Capable Agni-I Ballistic Missile at 10.08 am from the Wheeler Island (Abdul Kalam Island), on the Odisha Coast.

Agni-I is an surface to surface missile powered by solid propellants developed by Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) and tested in 2002 for First time.It can hit a target of 700 km.

They said that launch was successful and it is a part of training exercise by Strategic Forces Command of Indian Army.

2.India Joins Associate member of CERN.

India became an associate member of the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN), the world's largest nuclear and particle physics laboratory.

CERN known for its operation of the large Hadron Collider, which found the Higgs bason in 2012. The Agreement was signed on Monday by Chairman of Atomic Energy commission and Secretary of Department of Atomic Energy Sekhar Basu and CERN Director General Dr Fabiola Giantti at the Department of Atomic Energy office, Mumbai.

India was an observer since 2004 in CERN and latest upgrade will help Indian Scientist to participate in Various Project. It also allow Indian Companies to bid for lucrative engineering contracts.

India also has to provide 11.5million swiss Frank for research activities annually.

What is CERN?

European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) which was founded in 1954 in a north-west of Geneva on the Franco-Swiss border. It is an European research organization which operates the world largest particle physics laboratory in the world. It is well known for its operation of the large Hadron Collider, which found the Higgs Bason.

3.Radhika Menon the First Women Seafarer from India won Maritime Bravery Award.

India’s first women Captain in the merchant Navy, Radhika Menon has been awarded the Maritime Bravery Award by the International Maritime Organisation for her exceptional bravery by rescuing 7 fishermen from sinking fishing boat in Bay of Bengal.


TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 November 22

TNPSC Current Affairs November 2016, 22

1. Prithvi II a nuclear capable Ballistic missile tested successfully

India has successfully tested its idigenously developed Prithvi-II a nuclear capable Ballistic missile twice from Chandipur , Odisha

The two surface-to-surface missiles have a strike range of 350km and can carrry 500 to 100 kg warheads.

The missile was launched from  mobile launcher from launch complex-3.

2. Thai Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn confer with First World sanskrit Award

India has conferred Thailand Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn with First World Sanskrit award for her exemplary contribution for promotion of language.

She was also the royal partron of the sixteenth world sanskrit conference which held in Bangkok 2015

This event will cement the strong cultural ties between  India and Thailand

3. Andy Murray won ATP world Tour Title

Andy Murray has won his first ATP world Tour title after defeating Novak Djokovic by 6-3,6-4 at London

He become no World Number 1 in Ranking

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 20 & 21

TNPSC Current Affairs November 2016, 20&21

1. Indo-Norwegian research project- MADICE (Mass balance, dynamic, and climate of the central Dronning Maud land coast, East Antarctica) begins.

MADICE is an 4 year Indo-Norwegian Project from 2016-2020 to investigate the response of Antarctic ice shelves to the global warming in the less-studied areas of East Antarctica, especially in the Dronning Maud Land.

Dronning Maud Land is characterized by loosely connected ice shelves which is in East of Antarctica. East Antarctica is Poorly understood when compared to West Antarctica. This project which include,geophysical field measurement, ice core drilling, ice-sheet modelling and satellite remote sensing based studies will help to understand the Antarctic climate changes.

This project is the collaboration of India's Ministry of Earth Science and Research Council Norway (NCAOR).

2. United Nation conference on Climate Change- Marrakech, Morocco (COP22)

The 22nd Session of COP22 (conference of the parties), the 12th session of the conference of Parties of the Kyoto Protocol (CMP 12) and the first session of  parties of Paris Agreement ,the United Nation Conference on Climate Change held at Marrakech, Morocco. It Pitched the implementation of the Paris Agreement to  to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions.

During Marrakech climate talks 2 initiatives were launched to increase cooperation between all levels of government and accelerate the delivery of climate measure on the ground

1. The Marrakech Partnership for global Climate Action
2. 2050 Pathways Platform.

The 2050 Pathways platform targets on long-term deep Decarbonisation Action plans.

3.Mother Teresa International award for Social Justice 2016.

Faraaz Ayaaz Hossain was awarded the Mother Teresa Memorial International Award for Social Justice for 2016. He is one of the 3 Bangaladeshi hostage killed in the terrorist attack on the holey Cafe in Dhaka's Gulshan diplomatic zone.

About Award

The award is given in honor of Mother Teresa to individuals and organization that promote peace, equality, and social justice and aim to encourage justice and peace, while providing a impetus for society to imbibe these values.

4. P.V Sindhu Won Super Series Premier Title.

P.V Sindhu Won the First Super Series Premier Title defeating China's Sun Yu by  21-11,17-21,21-11 in Fuzhou, China.


TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 November 19

TNPSC Current Affairs November 2016, 19.

1.India's Largest indigenous  Missile destroyer, "INS Chennai" to be commissioned into Navy.

India's third indigenously designed Kolkata-Class guided missile destroyer, INS Chennai will be commissioned into the Indian Navy. INS Chennai among the largest destroyer constructed in India and built built by the Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders ltd in Mumbai.

INS Kolkata is the first ship which commissioned in 2014 and INS Kochi 2nd which is commissioned on September 2015.

About INS Chennai:

INS Chennai is 164 m long with displacement of over 7,500 tonnes and sails at top speed of 30 knots/h. It is the largest destroyer constructed among India.

INS Chennai will be placed under operational and administrative control of the Western Naval Command. It has ability to launch guided missiles and also enable to launch Anti-Air, Anti-Surface and Anti-Submarine operations.

It is also fitted with 'Kavach' chaff decoy system for defense against enemy missiles and has 'Mareech' torpedo decoy system for protection against enemy torpedoes.

2.Faster -Growing crops by improving photosynthesis - Journal Science.

Scientist has produced the Faster-growing crops by improving Photosynthesis in the plants, which was published in Journal Science.

The scientist said that they had found a way to boost a crop output by changing plants gene level to make them use Sun's energy more effectively. This will help farmers to yield more. Scientist also saw increase of 14 % to 20 % in the productiviy of their modified tobacco plants.

what is photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is a chemical Process which is used by plants, bacteria, algae and other organisms to produce glucose and oxygen, from carbon dioxide and water, using sunlight which is later released to fuel the organisms.

3. Brucellosis International Research conference 2016, New Delhi

The Brucellosis International Research Conference 2016 which including 69th Annual Brucellosis Research Meeting which is held in National Agricultural Science complex in New Delhi. It is organised by the department of biotechnology in collaboration with ICAR ( Indian Council of Agricultural Research)

The Conference addressed various issues revolves around the Brucellosis. Indian Government is planned to train villagers to handle the animal disease like Brucellosis. They also launched programme of 'Brucella Free Villages' on 50 villages on pilot basis.

What is Brucellosis?

Brucellosis is a deadly disease which caused by genus of the bacteria Brucella infecting buffaloes, cows, sheep, pigs , goats and other animals. It also affect humans . Humans will get infected by coming in contact with animals or animal product like, milk, meat etc which is contaminated with this bacteria.


TNPSC Current Affairs November 2016 18

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 November 18 

1. India and US review its Military Projects, M777 Howitzers to be signed soon

India and US reviewed the entire gamut of projects  under the foreign military sales route as both sides look at closing key projects which includes the purchase of M777 Howitzers.

Defence sources said that the deal is for 145 American Ultra-Light Howitzers which has been cleared by Cabinet Committee on Security. Defense personnal also discused to by 22 Predator Guardian drones.

India also sent letter to US on interest to buying guns which is deployed in high latitude in Arunachal pradesh, Ladakh. US also accepted and will send the 25 guns in Flying condition and rest will assemble in India.

The First 2 Howitzer will be delivered in another 6 months and rest will be delivered at rate one per month.

2. Bhutan's National Council disallowing BBIN 's Motor Vehicles Agreement (MVA).

Bhutan National Council Disallowing BBIN (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal) Motor Vehicles Agreement. India hopes Bhutan to join the group at an early date.

Bhutan's lower house had cleared the bill and passed it to Upper house (National council) in July 2016 with the hope of passed it by year end. but the National Council has defeated the 'Motor Vehicles Agreement'  by proposition 13 votes to 2.

About Motor Vehicles Agreement:

It is an agreement between sub SAARC nation including Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal (BBIN) for seamless movement of Passenger, Personal and Cargo among the neighbors which will benefit and integration of the region and its economic development.

It is signed on June 2015 between Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal in Thimpu Bhutan.

3. Israel Seeks Free trade agreement with India.

Israel President Reuven Rivlin expressing hope for Free Trade Agreement with India. He said that Official Israeli hope that his visit will pay way for Free Trade Agreement which will boost economic of both the countries.

Israel President Reuven Rivlin also said that Israel wishes to partner in India's Clean Ganga Project and solar energy sector.

What is Free trade Agreement(FTA)?.

FTA which involves cooperation between at least 2 countries to reduce it trade barrier, like import quotas and tarrifs . It will help to increase trade of Goods and services between 2 countries


TNPSC Current Affairs November 2016 17

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 November 17

1.Vladimir Putin Withdraws Russia from International Criminal Court.

Russia pulls out from International Criminal court following United Nations committee condemning Russia's occupation of Crimea in Ukraine and abuses some people of the region.

Russia has annexed Crimea from Ukraine on 2014 after the region was occupied by Pro Russian separatists, this led sanction against Russia by West.

Russia is also under International pressure over Air strikes over Aleppo with Syrian government.

Russian Ministry said that the court has failed to match the hopes one had and did not become a truly independent and respected body of international justice," and also in the ICC's 14 years of work ICC has pronounced only four verdicts and spent over $1bn of expenses.

Russia's announcement may welcomed by Gambia and south Africa which recently announced their withdrawal. 

About International Criminal court.

International Criminal court is a intergovernmental organization and international tribunal which has headquarters in Hague, Netherlands.

It is first permanent criminal court was founded in July 1998 and came into force from 2002. it will conduct legal proceedings against the international crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity an war crimes

It has more than 120 countries as members. India, US , China, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Qatar and Israel.were not the members of International criminal court.

2. India and China begins Joint Traning Exercise in Pune

The 6th India-China Joint Training Exercise 'Hand in Hand 2016' was held at the parade ground in Aundh Military Camp, in Pune.

The Exercise was held in the presence of Maj Gen YK Joshi, Additional Director-General of Military Operations of the Indian Army, and Maj Gen Wang Haijiang of the People’s Liberation Army and other senior army officers.

The 13-day  joint training exercise schedule is focused upon training on crossing of obstacles, special heliborne operations, firing of various weapons, handling & neutralisation of improvised explosive devices and conduct of cordon & search operations in insurgency and terrorism environment as statement said.

3."Sunway Taihlight" China's Supercomputer wins top spot in the list of the world's fastest super computers 


TNPSC Current Affairs November 2016 16

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 November, 16

1.Center has increased Minimum supporting price (MSP) for RABI crops which is sown in Winter.

Prime minister Narendra modi who chairs the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs(CCEA) gave approval for increase the minimum support prieces for all Rabi Crops of 2016-17

About the increase:

There is a hike of Rs 100 per Quintal for Wheat so the current value will be Rs 1625 Per Quintal for Wheat in 2016-17 against 1,525 per Quintal last year

The Minimum Supporting Price  for Gram has increase from 3500 per Quintal to 400 per Quintal in 2016-17 and Masur has been increased to Rs 3950 per Quintal from 3400 per Quintal.

The others like barley there is 8.2 percent hike, rapesee, mustard 10.4 percent hike and safflower 12.1 percent hike from official spokesperson.

The increase in Minimum Supporting Price will encourage farmers to sow crops in Rabi season( winter season).

What is Minimum Supporting Price (MSP) ?

MSP (Minimum Supporting Price) is the price which Government purchase crops from farmers , whatever may be the price of crops

The government will fix the MSP in the beginning of the sowing the crops as per the recommendation of Commission of Agricultural cost and Price(CACP)

MSP(Minimum Supporting Price) will help the producer against fall of price during huge production, if the price is below MSP then the Government agencies will purchase the products for MSP. If the price is more than the MSP then the producer can sell it in Market price.

2. India And Israel signed in two important agreements 

India and Israel agreed to work together in areas in Agriculture and Water resource management. 

The visiting Israel President Reuven Rivlin and Prime minister Narendra Modi Said that both side will work to counter terrorism, radicalism and extremism.

Israel President Reuven Rivlin is the Second president to visit India in last 2 decades.



TNPSC Current Affairs November 2016, 15

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 November 15

1.Israeli President Reuven Rivlin arrives in India on six day Visit.

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin Arrives in India on Monday for a six day visit to strengthen the bilateral ties between India and Israel. 

India and Israel expected to sign 15 agreements which likely to focus on Agriculture cooperation, industrial and academic issues.

Reuven Rivlin will also inaugurate Agro Tech 2016 with President Pranab Mukherji in chandigarh as part of his Visit.

2. 2016 the hottest Year on record, United Nation Says.

The World Meteorological Organization report  which published report at the Global Climate Summit in Morocco found that the Global Temperature in 2016 will be the hottest year on record. 

The global Temperature is running 1.2 C above the Pre-Industrial Level, which will coming  close to breach 1.5 C warming level , which is a target to stay safe from the impact of climate change.

As per Paris Agreement the target was 2 degree Celsius but 1.5 degree Celsius set as an ambitious target especially to protect small islands countries like Haiti, Maldives. which are threatened to submerge due to warming.

3. Padmini rout won the 43rd National Women Premier Chess Championship

Padmini Rout won 43rd National Women Premier Chess championship by drawing with Eesha Karavade in 11 round. It was her Hat-trick trophy. she has won continuously 3 times since 2014.

4. Kerala won Sri Krishna 32nd National Junior Athletics Championship.

Defending Champion Kerala has won the Sri Krishna 32nd National Junior Athletics Championship which is held in coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. It was the 22nd Title for the Kerala.

TNPSC Current Affairs November 2016 , 14

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 November , 14

1. India-Nepal Joint Military Exercise - Surya Kiran Series concluded.

The 10th Joint Military Exercise between India and Nepal - Surya Kiran Series Concluded at Army Battle School, Saljhandi in Nepal.

This exercise has scheduled from 31st October to 13 Nov 2016 with emphasis on counter terrorism in mountainous terrain. 

About Surya Kiran:

Surya Kiran Series of exercise are conducted annually , alternatively in Nepal and India. 2016 Surya Kiran Exercise is kicked off in Nepal. The foremost aim of this exercise is battalion level Joint training to emphasis on counter terrorism in mountainous terrain and Disaster Management also been included.

This Exercise will enhance defence co-operation and relations between the two nations.  It is a platform for the contingent of both India and Nepal to share their experience and gain mutually. It will be yet another step towards taking traditional friendship between the two nations to greater heights.

2.France and United Kingdom back's India's Entry for UNSC permanent Seat.

The United Kingdom and France, the two Veto Wielding nation of UNSC has supporting a permanent seat for India, Brazil and Germany

Herald Braun, German Ambassador to UN, said that 15- Nation UNSC should need immediate reform.

About UNSC :

United nation security council  is one of the 6 Principal organ of the united Nation. UNSC has the power to establish Pece keeping operations, establishment of International sanctions,and the authorization of military actions.

It has Five permanent Member and 10 Non-Permanent Members.

The Permenent members who are victors of World War II,

1. Russia, 
2.United Kingdom
5.United States

Current 10 Non-permanent members are elected for two year by member nations.

8.New Zealand
10. Venezeula (Bolivian Republic)

3 Aditi Ashok won the first Indian to win Ladies European Tour in golf.

Aditi Ashok makes history after winning the Indian open also lift the first Indian to win Ladies European tour in Golf.

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 November, 13

TNPSC Current Affairs November 2016, 13

1. Ken-Betwa River interlinking Project

The Environment clearance for Rs 9,000 Ken-Betwa  river interlinking project may delay till January 2017 to get clearance from ministry of Environment.

About Ken-Betwa Project:

The main objective of Ken-Betwa river interlinking project will help to irrigate Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.

The project will have 230 km canal , barrages and dams which will connect the Ken and Betwa  to irrigate 3.5 lakh hectares of land in M.P and 14000 hectares of land in Uttar Pradesh.

The project would result in submerge of 5,803 hectare of Panna Tiger Reserve. It also displace 6,388 people and will submerge 10 villages but 17 lakhs people will get benefit with improved drinking water and irrigation.

About River Ken:

the Ken River which ORiginates on the north-west Slopes of Kaimur Range in Jabalpur district, Madhya Pradesh. It runs for 247 km and merge with River Yamuna in UttarPradesh.

About River Betwa:

River Betwa Originates from Vindhya Range in Madhya Pradesh and run North-Ease through Madhya Pradesh to Uttar Pradesh and merge with River Yamuna.

2. Narendra Batra becomes first Indian to head International Hockey federation(FIH)

Narendra Batra becomes first Indian also first Asian to Head the International Hockey Federation. He is the 12th president of International Hockey Federation.

He has been elected in a secret ballot at the International Hockey Federation conference held in Dubai.

In the Secret ballot he got 68 votes out of 118 representatives and for Ken Read from Australia got 30 votes and David Balbirnie got 29 votes.


TNPSC Current Affairs November 2016, 12

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 November, 12

1.India and Japan sign agreement on civil nuclear power .

Japan has signed an agreement to sell civil nuclear power equipment and Technology with India. The pact was signed by Indian Prime minister Narendra Modi and Japanese Prime minister Shinzo Abe.

this is the controversial deal which has signed by Japan because this is the first time it agreed to sell civil nuclear power equipment and technology to a country which is not a member of the nuclear Non -Proliferation Treaty.

India also signed similar nuclear agreements with France, Russia, Britain and the United States.
As per the agreement the pact is only for peaceful commercial use, japan will terminate if India conducts a nuclear test.

It allows India to reprocess fuel and enrich uranium , then highly enriched uranium used to make nuclear weapons are not permitted.

About NPT

Non Proliferation Treaty or NPT is also known as the treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. It is an international treaty to curb the spread of nuclear weapons, technology and help to use nuclear energy peacefully.

NPT came into force in march 1970. Initally 191 countries adhered to this, later in 2003 North Korea came out from NPT. NPT countries are classified into 2 categories 1. Nuclear weapon state and Non Nuclear Weapon state. NWS consists of US, Russia, china, France, and UK (all are permanent members of UN security council) and rest or NNWS. Also NWS has agreed no to help NNWS state to develop acquire nuclear weapons.

India , Pakistan, Israel, South Sudan remain outside the treaty hence they possess nuclear weapons. If they want to join in Non Proliferation Treaty they should dismantle all their nuclear weapons. Only South Africa joined in NPT on 1991 after dismantling all its Nuclear Weapons.

2. First time, India agreed to consider Patrolling Palk Strait Jointly with Srilanka.

India has agreed to consider Srilanka's proposal for jointly patrolling the Palk Strait by naval arms. This is first time in the history of India - Srilankan negotiation on the fishing issues which troubling the two countries.

The Terms of Reference for the Joint Working Group on Fisheries (JWGF) includes "ascertaining possibilities for cooperation on joint patrolling" by navies of both India and Srilanka.

3.World pneumonia day November 12

The world pneumonia day is to raise awareness to promote prevention and treatment, and generate action to fight the deadly disease.

This is the second largest killer of children after diarrohoeal disease. As per report for every 15 seconds children under 15 dies of pneumonia.


TNPSC Current Affairs November 2016, 11

TNPSC Current Affairs 2016 November 11

1.Guy Ryder Re-elected as ILO Director General.

Guy Rider has been re-elected as Director General of International Labour Organization. He took office on 1st October 2012.He is the 10th Director General.

About ILO:

International Labour Organisation has formed on 1919 , it is United Nations Agency located in Geneva, Switzerland. 

International Labour Organisation which deals with labour issues, international labour standards, social protection, and work opportunities to all, it has 186 countries as members including the cook Islands.

2.The Kaveri delta Coal-bed methane extraction project has been cancelled by center.

Central Government has cancelled the Kaveri delta Coal-bed methane extraction project due to the protest from farmers.

About the Project:

In 2010 GEECL has won the licence to explore and extract methane and Coal Deposit in Mannarkudi in Thiruvarur district. The then Tamil Nadu Government has given area in Nagapattinam, Thanjavur and Thiruvarur district in Tamil Nadu. But due to oppose from farmers, Environmentalist the project has been canceled. 

3. China has launched pulsar navigation test Satellite

China has launched the satellite to detect signs of pulsars. The satelite will conduct experiments on X-ray pulsar navigatons, which are very high density stars formed by neutrons.

It has been launched from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, the satellite was carried by long March-11 rocket. It was 239th flight mission by Long March.


  GROUP   II   &   II A          தமிழ்          பகுதி – இ தமிழ் அறிஞர்களும் , தமிழ் தொண்டும் புதுக்கவிதை – ந.பிச்சமூர்த்தி , சி....